Paul BRUNET, Tony HAMON, Roland IRRIBARRIA with the cooperation of Thierry CAPARROS, A NEW LOOK AT POST BELL-BEAKER |
This paper is a synthesis of Early Bronze Age pottery in the Marne valley, part of an ongoing research programme entitled "From the Recent Neolithic to the Early Bronze Age: definition and interaction of cultural groups". It centres on establishing a typochronology of pottery production from the post Campaniforme period to the Middle Bronze Age. After the integration of data from new sites, the pottery corpus is presented using a sequence comparing different variables, method which is subsequently discussed. Post-Campaniforme pottery is seen to be grouped at the beginning of the sequence with radiocarbon dates around the turn of the second millennium BC. The next section of the sequence is divided into three categories: engraved motifs, horseshoe cordons and cord impressions, dating to the beginning of the second millennium BC. At this stage of our research is has not been able to establish if these three groups represent the Early Bronze Age pottery corpus or if they mark successive chronological stages.